NOTE: The example provided with the project only works with UE4 third person projects due to the input settings such as movement and mouse axis, therefore if you want to test the product before buying it, download my playable demo.

Step 1: Enabling the required plugin (Important!!)

You must first enable the plugin “Blueprint File utilities” otherwise you will be greeted with errors similar to what you see below.


To do this, you need to go to “Edit → Plugins” and then search for “file utilities” and tick the enabled box.


This allows the plugin allows the asset to delete and find files.

Then you can add the asset to your project.

Step 2: Adding the camera to your level

Once you have added the asset to your project, you can will find a new folder called “BeforeAndAfterCamera”, open this folder.


You can then drag the camera blueprint (”BA_ScreenshotCamera”) into your level
